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Losing weight is perhaps one of the hardest things one can do. Many people struggle with weight loss and weight gain throughout their entire lives. Please check out this article on why some people gain weight.

The issue is that many people suffer from a very slow metabolism and are unable to compensate for excessive calories that are being consumed throughout the day. The modern diet is too rich in calories and food became an entertainment rather just sustenance. In addition to that, our bodies are severely underutilized when it comes to physical activity. Most of today's jobs are sedentary, with no need to walk to get places, and exercise taking too much time.

Maintaining Diet

The human stomach and intestines are designed for storage of food and digestion and produce certain hormones which make us feel hungry and seek food. When the stomach is empty, a person feels miserable. It has been shown that our stomachs are simply too big for us currently. The stomach and intestines were originally adapted to much lower qualities and quantities of food.

Because of these factors, there is a misbalance between how many calories we need per day and how many calories we are actually getting. This translates to weight gain and increased fat in our bodies.

The metabolism level is unique for each individual, and we are born with it. It cannot be significantly changed by any outside intervention such as medication or other means. The metabolism is what burns up the calories when we are not exercising. This is called "basic metabolic rate."

In other words, modern lifestyle makes it extremely challenging to tip the caloric balance towards weight loss.

Diets fail long term because they do not satisfy a person. When a person's stomach is underfilled, it produces certain hormones that make you feel hungry, a defensive mechanism that has evolved.

These hormones can change person's behavior towards seeking more food. People believe that they lack willpower to stay on a diet but in actuality it is not just willpower that is needed for the diet to work - you need a smaller stomach!

The Solution

A smaller stomach will fill up with food very fast, and the person is satisfied with a very small meal. In other words, a small meal will feel like a big meal. A smaller stomach will produce less hunger hormones. So how do we get a smaller stomach? The answer is weight loss surgery. Weight-loss surgery is designed to create a smaller stomach to match the number of calories a person can digest to the actual amount he or she needs. In essence, weight-loss surgery sets up your body to be content with a small portion. That is why weight-loss surgery works well both short-term and long-term.

Weight Loss Surgery

Weight loss surgery is still considered to be something new; however, most people are surprised to find out that weight loss or bariatric surgery has been around for almost 60 years.

In the earlier days, weight loss procedures were very invasive and were accomplished through a big incision, which was very painful and risky. In the past 15 years, weight loss surgery has become minimally invasive and is either done with very small incisions or even without any incision at all, such as in the case of the gastric balloon.

The less invasive nature of weight loss surgery opened this lifesaving treatment to millions of patients worldwide!

One of the main advantages of weight loss surgery today is an incredible collaboration between all surgeons from all countries. Bariatric surgeons in NJ and beyond all interact with each other constantly and share ideas on how to make weight loss surgery even safer, and more effective.

To learn more about weight loss surgery, please view our informational seminar. View More

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