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New Jersey Bariatric surgeon Vadim Gritsus discusses exercise after Weight Loss Surgery

Post-operative aftercare is an important part of bariatric (weight loss) surgery in New Jersey. To achieve the most successful and positive outcomes with surgical obesity treatments, patients will need long-term follow-up care and medical guidance.

Obesity is a chronic, lifelong disease, and no single treatment alone results in a permanent cure. However, with weight loss surgery, excellent bariatric surgery aftercare, and moderate lifestyle changes, many patients are able to achieve significant long-term weight loss goals, tremendous health benefits, and increased life expectancy.

When you come to Vadim Gritsus, M.D. for bariatric surgery, you can expect advanced treatment and compassionate care. Dr. Gritsus is an experienced general surgeon who focuses his surgical practice on laparoscopic surgery and bariatrics. He provides his bariatric patients with outstanding follow-up care that includes dietitians, support groups, and continuing education. He cares about his patients, and does everything possible to make this treatment available to all eligible patients.

Weight Loss Surgery Aftercare

New Jersey Bariatric surgery aftercare marks the beginning of a new life for obese patients. Making the right lifestyle choices after surgery can help you achieve the best results for your health and better quality of life. In the recovery period following your procedure and beyond, your surgeon will assist you with:

  • Pain control: It is normal to experience some pain and discomfort after surgery. It is important to control your pain so you are able to walk, cough, and breathe deeply to aid in your recovery. Ask for pain medication when you need it in the hospital, and when you are discharged, fill your prescriptions and take your medications.

    Dr. Gritsus pioneered many innovative pain reduction techniques that can be applied to various surgical procedures. Among them are smaller incision size, injection of local anesthetic and gentle tissue handling.
  • Nutrition: Your surgeon will provide a post-operative diet and nutrition plan for you to follow, along with instructions on how to eat to help prevent side effects such as nausea and indigestion. You will start with a liquid diet, with a progression to pureed and soft foods, followed eventually by solid foods. To avoid nutritional deficiencies, you will need to take supplements, including calcium, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, and multi-vitamins.
  • Hydration: While you are healing during the first months after surgery, it can be difficult to consume enough fluids. Your doctor will advise you to drink at least 64 oz. of fluids a day to help prevent dehydration, kidney stones, and constipation. Avoid caffeinated beverages. They are diuretic and can cause dehydration.
  • Exercise: Walking and moving around after surgery can increase circulation, help promote healing, and reduce the risk of complications. Your surgeon will want you up and walking on the day of your procedure and to continue walking every day during your recovery. You will also be shown how to cough and breathe deeply to increase circulation, eliminate the effects of anesthesia, and help prevent pneumonia. Physical activity is an important part of your long-term weight management program, and your surgeon will advise you on the type, intensity, and amount of exercise you will need for optimal health.
  • Follow-up appointments: Studies have shown that long-term follow-up care produces better results after bariatric procedures. Dr. Gritsus and most bariatric surgeons provide follow-up programs for long-term obesity management. In the weeks, months, and years following your surgery, you may see your surgeon, a dietician, an exercise specialist, or other healthcare providers, and you may join a support group. When Vadim Gritsus, M.D. is your surgeon, you can expect supportive, nurturing care before, during, and after your surgery.

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