Drinking alcohol after weight loss surgery
Weight loss surgery and alcohol consumption.
Many patients ask me about alcohol consumption after weight loss surgery. The good news is that patients after weight loss procedures can enjoy alcohol. However, alcoholic beverages have to be consumed with great caution.
Here are several important points to consider:
- 1. Avoid carbonated beverages such as beer – carbonation can expand your new small stomach and cause pain.
- 2. You will need much less alcohol to make you drunk because your body absorbs it much quicker after weight loss surgery and your body mass is decreased.
- 3. Avoid cocktails made with sugar such as margaritas, mojitos, cosmopolitans, etc. You may not be able to tolerate sugar after your weight loss procedure.
- 4. Patients after weight loss surgery should always eat food when drinking alcohol. Otherwise alcohol gets absorbed more rapidly and can make you sick.
- 5. Alcohol intoxication may happen much quicker if you had weight loss procedure – always pace yourself when drinking.
- 6. Changed anatomy after weight loss surgery can affect breathalyzer results administered by police. Even if you not feeling intoxicated, never drive after drinking alcohol.
Summer is almost over but there is still time to enjoy good weather and have a drink with friends. Please do so responsibly.